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Outreach Programs

Bumble Bags

Bumble Bags are small comfort kits that are filled with simple essentials for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments at infusion centers located within UPMC - Hillman Cancer Center (Wellsboro/Williamsport/Coudersport, PA), and James P. Wilmot Cancer Center (Rochester, NY). LEARN MORE


Dunkin’ Battle Bags

Battle Bags are geared to provide comfort and entertainment items to 13 – 18 year old cancer patients receiving inpatient treatment at Golisano Children’s Hospital (Rochester, NY).​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ LEARN MORE

Willow and Michele holding a Dunkin Battle Bag
table full items that are included in the Dunkin Battle Bags
photo of a journal, waterbottle, book and candy that goes in the humble haversack bag

Humble Haversacks

Humble Haversacks are designed specifically for caregivers who are true heroes that face unimaginable challenges with grace and strength and are distributed through UPMC – Hillman Cancer Centers and UPMC Home Healthcare of Central Pennsylvania and Family Hospice. LEARN MORE

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Gift Cards

Gas and/or grocery cards are provided to support cancer patients who do not qualify for either financial assistance program, helping to ease their financial burden.  LEARN MORE

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